Financial Independence, Retire Early (F.I.R.E.)

These 3 episodes from the Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast are YOUR guide to achieving financial independence.

Whether you've never heard of the F.I.R.E. movement previously or are a long-time adherent, these episodes are an overview of the

basics of F.I.R.E. and a financial concept that has helped many individuals and families already.

In other words, these episodes are a great place to start a needed reflection on your current journey!

Could listening help you reach your unique vision of financial intelligence, integrity, and independence?

Above all, could listening save much head and heart ache?

Happy listening!

Retiring into your 60s and 70s can seem like an enormous challenge to pull off. But some people are following the ‘F.I.R.E.’ movement, so they can achieve financial independence at a young age. Then they are retiring early and parting from their careers in their 30s and 40s.

In today’s episode, we talk about the ‘F.I.R.E.’ movement and what it actually takes to achieve this ‘financial independence, retire early’ goal. Whether you're just starting out in your 20s or you think you'll be working until you're 80, this is a must-listen episode for your unique journey toward freedom! for your unique journey toward freedom!

     Show Highlights:   

    - A ‘must-read’ book to transform your relationship with money and achieve financial independence (2:20)

    - Crucial steps needed to achieve financial independence (3:20)

    - What everybody is getting wrong about the ‘F.I.R.E.’ movement (13:00)

    - How to recession-proof your money and protect it from the next financial crisis (17:20)

Usually, fire extinguishers do a lot of good. It's nice to have one in your kitchen in case of emergency.

Yet, when F.I.R.E. stands for Financial Independence Retire Early, you don't want anything to extinguish your likelihood of FIRE-ing.

So, we put together a list of FIRE extinguishers to watch out for ...

regardless of when you want to retire and how close (or far) you are from achieving your unique goals.

You could take this list to any financial adviser (including Brandon and Amanda).

Ask them how they are helping you avoid these factors that could destroy your path.

We’re going to cover some of the most common FIRE extinguishers that could potentially wreak havoc on your financial strategy. These might stop you from fully enjoying the fruits of your own labour and retiring early ...

whether "early" for you is 45 or 65.

    Show Highlights:

    - Two of the biggest ‘FIRE’ benefits Grandma would have loved (4:10)

    - How stock market volatility actually affects how much money you have (10:00)

    - Is the Internal Revenue Service stealing your money? (13:00)

    - Inflation: How to prepare, capitalize and protect your savings (14:30)

    - One type of ‘FIRE’ extinguisher almost everyone forgets to factor in (16:50)

    - Early retirement and paying for kids’ college: are they compatible? (19:50)

FIRE's Perfect Match

(Financial Independence Simply and Sustainably)

Financial Independence, Retire Early ... easier said than done, right?!?

Financial independence is the moment your investments start paying more than your expenses. And when this happens, you’re ‘free.’

                                                                - Freedom from trading your time for money.

                                                                - Free from having to work for a living.

                                                                - Freedom from having to worry about bills or paying rent on time.

    Maybe most importantly, free to do what you want.

    You might finally have the opportunity to do what will make the most impact on those around you and bring you the most joy!

    But with so many different options on the table to reach your F.I.R.E. goal, which should you choose?

    In this episode, you’re going to discover the perfect match for achieving F.I.R.E.

    It's a time-tested tool that half the American population used back in Grandma’s day.

    For that generation, this strategy was a rock-solid foundation. It allowed them to rest easy, knowing they had a reliable financial strategy.

    Listen with an open mind. Then, the clarity you receive might surprise you!

        Show Highlights:

        - Attributes that make this asset ‘catch’ FIRE - and it only gets better over time (3:40)

        - Bank On Yourself ®: 4 key benefits for growing and protecting your financial future with this time-tested investment vehicle (10:00)

        - The risk-free way to maximize the growth of your bond funds as a F.I.R.E. enthusiast (14:40)

    Thanks for listening!

    In conclusion, a friendly reminder that we're here to help however we can. Click here to schedule a chat with one of us!                                 

    In your corner, 

    Amanda & Brandon Neely

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