Why true wealth? In a world fixated on financial metrics, it’s easy to equate wealth solely with the numbers in our bank accounts or the balance of our retirement funds. But what if we’re missing the bigger picture? Just as a puzzle isn’t complete without all its pieces, your wealth isn’t fully realized without considering all aspects of your life. Let’s dive into the five crucial components that form the foundation of holistic wealth:

1. Health: The Cornerstone of True Wealth

No amount of money matters without good health to enjoy it. Take it from Steve Jobs, who said, “I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world… However, aside from work, I have very little joy.” Despite his immense financial success, Jobs couldn’t buy the one thing he needed most in his final years – his health.

**Action Step:** Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Invest time in exercise, healthy eating, and regular check-ups.

2. Relationships: Your Support Network for True Wealth

Your network of relationships is as crucial to your well-being as your financial portfolio. Think of John, a high-powered executive who focused solely on his career for years. When he faced a personal crisis, he found himself alone with no close friends or family to support him.

**Action Step:** Nurture your relationships. Make time for family and friends, and cultivate meaningful connections in your community.

3. Purpose: Finding Meaning and True Wealth Beyond Material Possessions

Consider Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, who recently gave away $3 billion to fight climate change. He chose purpose over profits, demonstrating that for some, making a positive impact is far more valuable than accumulating wealth.

**Action Step:** Reflect on what gives your life meaning. Align your actions with your values and find ways to contribute to causes you care about.

4. Personal Growth: Continual Self-Improvement for True Wealth

David, a successful software engineer, felt stagnant despite his high salary. He invested time in learning woodworking, which provided a sense of craftsmanship and creativity missing from his day job. This personal growth not only enhanced his life satisfaction but also opened up new opportunities.

**Action Step:** Commit to lifelong learning. Take up new hobbies, learn new skills, or pursue further education in areas that interest you.

5. Time: The Non-Renewable Resource of True Wealth

Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest people in the world, famously said, “I can buy anything I want, basically, but I can’t buy time.” This underscores the importance of valuing and properly allocating our time, regardless of our financial status.

**Action Step:** Audit how you spend your time. Prioritize activities that contribute to your overall well-being and align with your values.

The Interplay of Money and Holistic Wealth

While money is important as a tool to support these other aspects of life, it’s not the end goal. A study by Princeton University found that emotional well-being rises with income, but only up to about $75,000 per year. After that, additional income doesn’t significantly impact day-to-day happiness.

The key is to use money as a tool to support all these other aspects of our lives rather than making it the sole focus. It’s not about balance, but about creating a holistic ecosystem where all parts of your life work together harmoniously.

Taking Action Towards Holistic True Wealth

As you plan your financial future, remember to take a holistic approach. Set financial goals while also setting goals for your health, relationships, personal growth, and how you’ll spend your time.

True wealth is about creating a life that’s rich in all aspects, not just financially.


Remember your wealth goes far beyond financial success. It’s about creating a life where your health, relationships, sense of purpose, personal growth, and time are all in alignment. By focusing on these five components, you’ll not only build financial security but also create a life that’s truly fulfilling. True wealth is holistic and encompasses every part of your life to form a complete picture. So, as you pursue your financial goals, remember that real prosperity is about living richly in every sense of the word – mind, body, and soul.

Why Steve Jobs’ final regret should be your wake-up call

Business Owner True Wealth Bonus Tips

As a business owner, you can use these tips to achieve professional success while also taking care of your personal well-being, ensuring a balanced approach to holistic wealth.

  1. Delegate for Health: Running a business can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. Avoid burnout by delegating tasks and outsourcing non-core activities. Just like you’d invest in your health, invest in capable team members to take the load off your plate.
  2. Build Strong Relationships: Networking isn’t just for sales—it’s about building a support system. Nurture your professional relationships, not just for business growth, but for advice, mentorship, and emotional support. Remember, business thrives when people feel connected.
  3. Purpose-Driven Business: Align your business mission with your personal values. A purpose-driven business creates long-lasting impact and resonates with clients and employees. When you stand for something bigger than profits, it enriches your professional life and attracts loyal supporters.
  4. Invest in Personal Development: Continuously grow your skills and knowledge. Whether it’s attending leadership workshops, learning new tech, or taking a personal hobby further, investing in yourself will naturally spill over into your business success. Your growth fuels the business’s growth.
  5. Leverage Time Wisely: As a business owner, time is your most valuable asset. Maximize it by automating routine tasks and focusing on strategic decisions. Implement systems that allow your business to run smoothly without constant micromanagement, so you can also prioritize other aspects of your life.

Remember, as a business owner, your financial decisions impact not only you but also your employees and customers. By focusing on sustainable, long-term strategies rather than short-term fads, you can build a more resilient and successful business.

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