In today’s fast-paced financial world, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends and “get rich quick” schemes. From the South Sea bubble of 1720 to modern-day cryptocurrency hype, financial fads have always been a part of our economic landscape. But how can you distinguish between a fleeting trend and a sound financial strategy? Let’s explore some practical tips to help you navigate the complex world of personal finance and build sustainable wealth.

The Dangers of Financial Fads

Financial fads often promise quick riches and effortless wealth, but they usually leave a trail of battered bank accounts and shattered dreams in their wake. Some notable examples from history include:

  • The South Sea bubble of 1720
  • Beanie Baby collectibles in the 1990s
  • The dot-com bubble in the late 1990s and early 2000s
  • The house flipping craze of the mid-2000s
  • Bitcoin mining rush in 2017-2018

These fads often prey on human psychology, exploiting our fear of missing out (FOMO) and desire for quick gains.

12 Practical Tips to Avoid Harmful Financial Fads

  1. Do your own research: Always verify claims independently using reputable sources. Don’t rely solely on social media, influencers, or sales pitches for financial advice.
  2. Understand the fundamentals: Learn basic financial principles and concepts. You don’t need to be an expert, but understanding the basics will help you make informed decisions.
  3. Be wary of “get rich quick” promises: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sustainable wealth building takes time and effort.
  4. Check credentials and track records: Look into the background of financial advisors and companies promoting investments or strategies. Be skeptical of those with a history of failures or legal issues.
  5. Diversify your investments: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, especially not in a trendy new investment. A well-diversified portfolio can help protect against fads and bubbles.
  6. Be cautious of high-pressure sales tactics: If someone is pushing you to invest immediately, it’s often a red flag. Take your time to make informed decisions.
  7. Consider the source’s motivation: Ask yourself who benefits from you following their advice or buying their product. Be careful with “free” information that might be selling your attention to sponsors.
  8. Stay informed about common scams: Educate yourself about typical financial scams and how they operate. Resources like can be helpful.
  9. Seek second opinions: Consult with trusted financial advisors or knowledgeable friends before making big decisions.
  10. Be patient and stick to your plan: Develop a long-term financial plan and avoid making impulsive decisions based on market trends or FOMO.
  11. Use the “sleep on it” rule: For any major financial decision, give yourself at least a day to think it over.
  12. Trust your instincts (to a point): If something feels off, even if you can’t pinpoint why, it’s okay to walk away. However, consider if your fear is pointed in the right direction, as change can be scary even when it’s for the better.

Is “Bank On Yourself” a Fad or a Sustainable Strategy?

Some people might view concepts like “Bank On Yourself” or “Infinite Banking” as potential fads. However, there are several reasons why these strategies are more likely to be sustainable:

  1. Longevity: The underlying concepts have been around for decades, if not centuries.
  2. Established products: These strategies are based on whole life insurance, a financial product that has existed for over a century.
  3. Realistic promises: They don’t promise unrealistic returns, focusing instead on guaranteed growth and tax advantages.
  4. Transparency: The strategies are relatively transparent about how they work.

However, it’s crucial to work with credentialed professionals who genuinely understand and can implement these concepts correctly.


Remember, what might be a fad or fiction for one person could be a sustainable financial strategy for another. No single financial strategy is perfect for everyone. What matters most is how well a strategy aligns with your specific financial situation and goals.

When considering any financial tool or strategy, always think about how it fits into your overall financial plan. If you don’t have a comprehensive financial plan yet, consider working with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional to create a plan that aligns with your goals and values.

By staying informed, being cautious, and focusing on long-term, sustainable strategies, you can avoid harmful financial fads and build a secure financial future for yourself and your loved ones.

Learn about Isaac Newton’s Financial Fad Meltdown:

Business Owner Bonus Tips

As a business owner, you face unique challenges when it comes to managing finances and avoiding harmful fads. Here are some additional tips and considerations specifically for entrepreneurs:

  1. Beware of “miracle” business solutions: Be skeptical of products or services that promise to revolutionize your business overnight. Real, sustainable improvements usually take time and effort.
  2. Don’t chase every new technology: While staying current is important, investing in every new tech trend can be costly and inefficient. Evaluate new technologies based on their potential long-term value to your specific business.
  3. Be cautious with alternative financing: While options like merchant cash advances or invoice factoring can be useful in certain situations, they often come with high costs. Carefully consider the long-term impact on your business’s financial health.
  4. Avoid overreliance on a single customer or supplier: Diversifying your customer base and supply chain can protect your business from sudden market shifts or the loss of a key relationship.
  5. Don’t neglect your personal finances: Many business owners focus solely on their company’s finances at the expense of their personal financial planning. Remember to build your own financial security alongside your business.
  6. Understand the risks of rapid expansion: While growth is generally positive, expanding too quickly can strain your resources and lead to financial difficulties. Plan for sustainable, manageable growth.

Remember, as a business owner, your financial decisions impact not only you but also your employees and customers. By focusing on sustainable, long-term strategies rather than short-term fads, you can build a more resilient and successful business.
